
St Kilda Medical Group

81 Grey Street, St Kilda, VIC., 3182


Phone: (03) 9525 5200

Social media

For privacy reasons, and for risk management, in accordance with guidelines produced by the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (Ahpra) and by medical insurance providers, St Kilda Medical Group does not use social networking services (eg Facebook, X, etc).

National Home Doctor Service


Beyond Blue Support Service  

Alfred Health - Psychiatric Triage

For advice, assessment, and treatment planning in relation to mental crisis

Psychiatric Triage may arrange for the Crisis Assessment and Treatment Team (CATT) to contact  and/or visit

Phone 1300 363 746


Kids' Helpline

MensLine Australia

Victorian Poisons Information Line 

for information and advice if you think a person has been poisoned (eg chemicals, plants, pesticides, stings, bites, medications).