St Kilda Medical Group
81 Grey Street, St Kilda, VIC., 3182
Phone: (03) 9525 5200
Social media
For privacy reasons, and for risk management, in accordance with guidelines produced by the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (Ahpra) and by medical insurance providers, St Kilda Medical Group does not use social networking services (eg Facebook, X, etc).
National Home Doctor Service
for urgent medical care when St Kilda Medical Group is closed
a Doctor will visit you at your home
This is a bulk-billing service
phone 13 7425 (13 SICK)
(our GPs do not work with the National Home Doctor Service, or with any other after hours medical service)
to get professional health advice by phone from a registered nurse
available 24 hours every day
a free service (except for the cost of the phone call) - provided by the Victorian government
phone 1300 60 60 24
Beyond Blue Support Service
Available 24 hours a day every day for brief counselling and support
Phone 1300 224 636
Information about getting mental health support here
Alfred Health - Psychiatric Triage
For advice, assessment, and treatment planning in relation to mental crisis
Psychiatric Triage may arrange for the Crisis Assessment and Treatment Team (CATT) to contact and/or visit
Phone 1300 363 746
if you are experiencing a personal crisis, or having suicidal thoughts, help is available through Lifeline
Lifeline provides a free, confidential telephone crisis support service, available 24 hours every day
phone 13 11 14
website (for information and resources)
for people who do not speak English, contact the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) on 13 14 50 and ask to talk to Lifeline in the required language. TIS will arrange an interpreter, and transfer the call to Lifeline. This service is free, and confidential.
Kids' Helpline
a free service providing help and support for young people by phone and online
phone 1800 55 1800
MensLine Australia
a free confidential phone and online service providing support and information for men with family and relationship concerns, and for men who are concerned about their own violent behaviour
phone 1300 78 99 78
Victorian Poisons Information Line
for information and advice if you think a person has been poisoned (eg chemicals, plants, pesticides, stings, bites, medications).
This is a free service (except for cost of phone call), available 24 hours every day. The service is anonymous (personal details are not recorded).
Phone 13 11 26